Monday, June 23, 2008


As the days wear on, my inner spirit seems to be breaking - I see the situation going from bad to worse. I fully sympathize with Rajen and understand what he must be going through to be saying what he is saying in the media these days. It is the same feeling that haunts me day in and day out. The difference between Rajen and I is that he did what I could not - he spoke out against a regime which is so tyrannical that the slightest hint of dissent is dealt a heavy blow.

Where has the idea of freedom gone to? Why is the current regime so insensitive? Why should the people of Fiji suffer simply because of a few people with distorted views for this country? Should not the direction of this country be chosen by its people instead of the selected few? The people are told that they're no longer able to choose wisely because they have been long blinded by the corruption and dirt thrown into their eyes by previous politicians - this is outrageous and I cannot understand why the people of this country do not rise up against such and atrocity.

The sovereignty of this nation is at stake and sidewalk blog sites can do little or nothing to take a firm stand and say no - websites such as Solivakasama merely echo words but without any form of action, these words are as meaningless as the baying of toothless dogs. The international community has long lost interest in the country and no matter how much the people of Fiji now seek out attention globally, the world has better things to do and we no longer matter. NGO's and other freedom activists need to come together and passively resist this regime - if there is a genuine desire to return to democracy, why then does the regime not have a referendum to determine the reality and popularity of the current regime?

Writers who continue to follow the situation in Fiji are not even located in Fiji - we suffer under the tacky articles written by unknowns such as Victor Lal who claim to hail from Oxford yet investigations fail to turn up even the remotest shades of evidence to support such a claim. Supposedly prominent lawyers such as Tui Savu claim to know all but merely write about things which are weighed down so heavily with laws and litigation that they cannot be comprehended in the current state of the nation.

As I sit and write this article I know that people who read this blog will read it merely for its face value, some may comment and then they will continue on their way without any worries. My plea to you if you're reading this is to help us - without your support, we will either end up dead or this country will soon become another Burma or perhaps, even worse, another Zimbabwe. We cannot go on like this and the opression is like a lead weight around our necks which is slowly pulling us deep into the depths of the murky and hellish dark waters.

Common commentators such as Budhau from Solivakasama may support this article but it that will be all that can be done - nothing more... merely words echoed in an empty room. Who can dare go up against men with guns and the power to rip our world apart with one pull of the trigger? Can nothing be done? The farce of an election has become so real in our depraved minds that we now blindly believe that there will be elections soon. While the regime rides high on their white horses, we sit huddled in the corners merely looking on as they pass us by with heads held high. Our thoughts are merely thoughts and may God have mercy on he who tries to rise up and challenge the usurper.

This is perhaps the first and last time I shall blog about this matter - the idea of blogging against a raging machine is akin to a man using his head to break down a wall cast in stone. I would urge you to continue blogging but yoiu will eventually realize the futlity of the task and the frustrations it merely brings as words without actions normally do to people who like to think and act.

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